Modular Math: Addition Skill Builders

Level Foundations Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
Lesson Topic What is Addition? One More Two More Making 4 Making 5 Making 6 Making 7 Making 8 Making 9 Making 10 Introducing Addition Addition Rules Addition with Doubling Vertical Addition Adding Multiple Single Digits Adding Near Doubles Adding With Tens Odd and Even Addition Subtraction vs Addition Addition Word Problems Additon Representation Making 11 Making 12 Making 13 Making 14 Adding Multiple Triple Digits Regrouping with 2 Digits Breaking Apart Strategy Making Ten Strategy Properties of Addition Addition Fact Reviews Adding 3 Digits with Regrouping Adding 4 Digits with Regrouping Estimation Adding Money Estimating Money Adding Negative and Positive Integers Fact Families Missing Addends Addition Properties Adding Decimals Addition with Regrouping to 100,000 Subtraction to Check Addition Addition to Check Subtraction Adding with Roman Numerals Adding Mixed Integers Adding Negative Integers Addition Mental Math Strategies Adding Time Adding Time (Hours to Days) Adding Fractions (Part 1) Adding Different Decimal Values Creating Change Adding Fractions Part II Algebraic Addition Adding Fractions Part III Adding Percentages Adding Time On a Clock Adding Like Exponents Adding Exponents with a Different Base Adding Ratios Adding Scientific Notation Adding Tax, Tips, and Sales Adding Percentages of Different Wholes Adding Polynomials Base 2 Addition Adding Negative Fractions

Our Skill Builders are a digital PDF, downloadable resource that can be used to help students catch up, work ahead, or get additional practice on topics that they are struggling with. 

Each PDF download comes with a teaching page and practice page (as well as an answer key). The teaching page is the same as the one in the main math curriculum, while the practice page has a mastery focus to help students work on what they have learned. 

Finally, a math curriculum you can custom-tailor to your needs!

Please note: This is different from our main books, which are much more in-depth and include a teaching page, a practice page, and then 2 review pages. These review pages are a spiral approach, reviewing other concepts that students have learned and creating a well-rounded math program. The skill builders are more of a mastery/practice focus designed to be used to fill in gaps or help students move ahead so they aren't stuck in endless review when they just need a little refresher or "top up". These are not meant to replace our math curriculum but rather to be added only as needed.